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Download GL English Transfer Test number 3 for immediate use

GL English Transfer Test 3


GL English Transfer Test No 3 – PDF download


This is the third test of our 3 GL English multiple-choice tests. Designed in the same manner as Transfer Tests 1 & 2 it consists of 60 test questions preceded by an additional 10 familiarisation questions.


All of these GL English practice papers have been written to develop your child's confidence in all aspects of English.


A piece of creative writing is the focus for the 10 familiarisation questions. All 3 tests follow the same familiarisation process with 3 comprehension questions followed by 4 spelling questions and ending with 3 grammar-based questions.


The full revision test has 60 questions opening with a passage using a scientific theme followed by associated comprehension questions. It is imperative that you encourage your child to read the text carefully - searching for the correct answer. If your child reads widely it will introduce them to new and diverse words.


The next 10 questions are comprehension based and ask questions based around a child's diary extract.

An additional comprehension contains queries centred around an exciting travel document, while the concluding section, as in the actual GL English Transfer Tests are on spelling. punctuation and general English questions.


The multiple-choice pupil answer sheet is clearly set out in order that your child gains valuable experience of using such an answer sheet. The answers are included for the parents.


This is an inclusive English practice and revision test making use of a wide variety of thought-provoking English questions. This test will provide your child with good practice in preparation for the demands of the GL tests.


The GL Transfer Test is strongly based on the Key Stage Two Programmes of Study which is followed by all primary schools to plan teaching and learning within their school.  The level and standard of work required to pass the Transfer Test is high. Your child must have familiarity with all aspects of English and mathematics and have practiced and acquired the necessary skills and knowledge.


This knowledge is essential in preparing your child for this important exam. We suggest that you and your child work your way through our English and mathematics books to improve your child's ability in both subjects.


NB When payment has been received and your order confirmed you will be sent a secure link allowing you to download and print the test. This will be PDF download file.


    • GL English Transfer Test No 3. (PDF Download)
    • This Transfer Test practice is in multiple-choice format. 60 questions with 10 familiarisation questions before the full test.
    • Download for immediate access to suitable revision and learning material to boost knowledge.
    • Provide your child with preparation the GL English Transfer Test questions.
    • Allows focus on areas of success and areas that are bit weaker.
    • Study and review information relevant to the GL English Transfer Test.


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